Marcus Jewell, UK country manager, Brocade commented: “The survey findings show the UK now has a reasonable amount of 3G coverage in urban areas, with most major cities appearing to have almost blanket coverage. It is, however bizarre to still see so-called ‘notspots’ along core commuter lines and even in patches within certain cities. Businesses demand access to the network at all times, as employees often need to access data when on the move; failure to provide this provides a substantial barrier to business growth.
“The erratic nature of network coverage in the UK shown by the study accentuates the fact that the current network infrastructure is not able to provide a consistent service to users,” continued Jewell.
“With roll-out of broadband to more rural areas also an issue, and the dependency of businesses large and small on network access - be that wired or wireless - this emphasises just how important the network is to the development and augmentation of existing enterprise here in the UK.
“People need to be connected to their networks at all times and having areas where the signal just drops off is far from ideal. If business growth is to be encouraged around the country, the infrastructure to develop this must also exist.
“Once the ability to provide continual, secure access is available then innovation and application delivery can take place anywhere, building opportunities and creating employment across the map.”