NTA will be issuing coupons at the show promoting two offers for white label and dealer partners, valid for three months.
Offer to new partners
NTA is offering any new dealer (or potential white label partner) an opportunity to experience the NTA product through a £99 package consisting of a handset, 1 year’s subscription to the NTA service, £30 of calls and a unique phone number. If any dealer then signs up 5 handsets within 3-months, the £99 will be refunded.
Offer to white label partners
Any new White Label partners who sign up at, or within 3 months of the show, will receive a 50% discount of the set up charges. The one time set up costs are normally £1000+VAT (for hosted and billing system training and customisation). This will be reduced to £500 for any new white label partners.
White Label Partner
NTA’s white label partners have an own-branded and tailored ready to use feature rich VoIP solution. NTA has adopted a KIS-system for its partner programmes (Keep It Simple System). This ensures it is very easy for resellers to jump-start themselves into becoming a fully-fledged hosted VoIP provider in a matter of days.