
O-bit Telecom - Mobile Launch

Networks & Network Services
Rapidly growing telecoms distributor O-bit Telecom has expanded its portfolio with the launch of mobile.

The Buckinghamshire-based firm, whose offering already includes voice, data, broadband, SMS services, IP telephony, geographic and non-geographic numbers, software and audio conferencing solutions, is now providing resellers with a range of mobile services, enabling it to offer a full suite of wholesale reseller services.

O-bit believes the time is now right to offer a truly competitive white labelled mobile solution to the reseller market and sees the move as part of an on-going process to expand its portfolio with higher margin products and long-term contracts.

Sales and Marketing Director Elizabeth Sparrow explained: “We’re very excited at O-bit about our move into mobile and feel now is the perfect time for resellers to realise this opportunity.

“Our market research told us that resellers wanted to bill all services, including mobile, in their own brand. Until now this has been seen as the great drawback in reselling mobile and has prevented many businesses from diversifying into this area.”

O-bit expects that many small to medium enterprises will benefit from having one supplier who can provide them with their fixed line, broadband, mobile, and data circuit ‘under one roof’.

Sparrow added: “It not only makes managing their communications much easier in a financial sense, but makes fault management much more succinct and the overall management of their communications a lot more efficient.”

O-bit manages up-front commission and on-going revenue share by offering three varieties to resellers. The pricing has been designed in this way to ensure resellers wishing to take advantage of upfront commission, as well as the reseller preferring incremental revenue share, is catered for. The solution has been built to ensure resellers have enough flexibility to win sales whilst retaining the best margins for their business.

Sparrow added: “The challenge for our resellers, and for ourselves, is to add value in order to differentiate us from competitors’. The key is being an existing supplier for other services and being able to meet your customers' whole communications needs.”

To accompany the new mobile range, O-bit will be producing white label marketing collateral and providing in-house and on the job training. The aim is to get partners to a stage where they can take advantage of new opportunities in mobile as and when they arise.

“We will get our channel to a position where they can diversify further and we're confident that they can support the product to a standard we'd be proud of as well.”

CEO Dave Breith concludes: “Mobile has become an essential part of the telecom distributors offering and we are pleased to partner with O2 in taking a truly flexible white label solution to the market.”

Breith continues: “During our beta launch we saw an incredible uptake with one reseller, GW Telecom, securing a 70 handset opportunity for ‘The Autism Society’. The key for O-bit is offering marketing and sales support to resellers less acquainted with mobile.”

O-bit Telecom’s mobile solution launches on the 3rd October.