Oak’s Comms Suite X package, which combines market-leading call logging with feature rich call recording and wallboard software, will now be available to resellers keen to offer business customers sophisticated monitoring tools that add real value to a state-of-the art UC business communications proposition.
“We are delighted to be working alongside ShoreTel for a number of reasons,” said Oak’s Joint CEO, Phillip Reynolds. “They are a rapidly expanding global player; they are recognised as a technically adept provider of reliable purpose-built IP based UC solutions, and, like us, they work 100% through the channel.
“The key to our partnership is the flexibility Comms Suite provides customers and the way it can integrate seamlessly within ShoreTel’s open ecosystem. With the ShoreTel UC solution, resellers will now be able to offer customers one or all of our applications, and build up an ideal total solution at their own pace.”
“We are pleased that Oak Telecom achieved validation as part of the ShoreTel Innovation Network - extending the value of ShoreTel’s IP telephony and unified communications solutions around the world,” said Tom Perry, Director of Marketing, EMEA. “By bringing these technologies together into one unified solution, Oak has made complete communications management a practical and economic possibility for businesses of all sizes.”
Reynolds believes ShoreTel resellers will gain a real edge in sales discussions because customers are demanding more from their communications solutions and Comms Suite X offers tangible commercial benefits.
“Customers want to immediately see improvements in call handling and customer satisfaction and the ability to measure performance against Key Performance Indicators is vital in this day and age. No matter how many of our applications customers utilise they can access them all via a simple to use desktop or Web interface. This will give them an instant window on activity throughout the business and via our easy-to-use wizards they can customise parameters and reports and control what information is available at individual staff members’ desktop. A combined ShoreTel/Oak UC system will help organisations leverage their most valuable assets: people and information,” added Reynolds