Bardsley joined Oak straight from University in 1992 with an IT Degree and has been instrumental in the growth of the company, especially in the area of call recording and voicemail. His recent focus has been on growing the customer services and support teams in line with the ever increasing user base as well as bringing new products, such as IP call recording, to market.
David Rands will continue to play a key role in Oak as the Customer Services Director and with a focus on Quality Systems and Oak’s ongoing ISO9000 registration.
Other key appointments at this time are the promotion of Patrick Seward to FD and David Reynolds to Product Director.
James Emm and Phillip Reynolds will continue in their roles as Joint CEOs.
“Wherever possible, Oak has a policy to promote from within. We’re really pleased that we have been able to groom a long serving employee for such a key role in Oak’s future growth. With so many staff at Oak having more than 10 years service, there is a great depth of experience that underpins Oak’s continued success.
We wish Adam and his team great success for the future and we look forward to providing our resellers with even more exciting opportunities through 2007.” commented Phil Reynolds.