
One in ten internet connections are overloaded

One in ten internet connections used by small, medium and large enterprises are overloaded to the point where a user’s experience of key applications is likely to be affected, according to a survey by netEvidence. The study looked at the internet usage of 700 organisations over a five day period during normal office hours in February 2013.

Richard Thomas, CEO of netEvidence, the company behind the Highlight 'digital window' service, says, “The study found that overloading isn’t sporadic, it happens every day of the week. If these organisations continue to push the limits on a regular basis, users are likely to experience slowing applications, long waiting times and possibly, a full breakdown in internet-based services.

“With the growth in cloud-based applications from the likes of Microsoft, Google, Salesforce and SAP, many organisations are placing their critical business services in the cloud. It’s vital that organisations minimise business disruptions and increase user productivity, by ensuring users have a high quality experience of these service.”

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will often recommend an upgrade if and when overload limits are met. However, many ISPs are not equipped with the tools to deliver detailed information as to how a customer’s network is performing and what applications are being consumed.

As Richard says, “It’s all very well having an upgrade, but companies need proof that any investment is first necessary and then proof again that benefits are being achieved.”

Organisations can use the latest tools to gain a ‘window’ into their digital worlds. Services like netEvidence’s Highlight, deliver real-time, performance-focused visibility of business services, with full reporting and trend analysis, making it much easier to identify trouble spots and take corrective action where necessary. It can help determine if an upgrade is needed and then measure performance improvements; or it can help avoid upgrades by enabling organisations to adjust the priority given to different applications to ensure slow-downs don’t occur.

“We’re not all technology experts, but we all need access to a clear non-technical picture of how the performance of the technologies that deliver our key business services is affecting the success and profitability of our business. Most importantly, we need to know if and when these resources are being overloaded,” concludes Richard.