According to Apple’s download count, Opera Mini has been added to 1,023,380 Apple devices. Opera Mini is the world’s most popular browser that brings the web to nearly any mobile phone. Opera submitted its browser to Apple on 23 March, following the unveiling of Opera on iPhone during the Mobile World Congress, CTIA and SXSW. Initial previews of the browser garnered rave reviews, indicating that Opera Mini delivers up to six times the speed, especially on congested networks, and significant web-page compression to keep roaming and pay-per-MB costs at a minimum.
“Today iPhone users have a choice, and, as the numbers show, they are eager to explore new and faster ways to surf the Web on the iPhone - especially during heavy Web traffic,” said Lars Boilesen, CEO, Opera Software. “With any widely available and frequently downloaded Opera product, we are appreciative of all the feedback we are getting, as it helps us to continually improve our product and better meet the needs of our users.”