The Cisco Gold Partner has been growing year on year, and doesn’t look set to disappoint again when official figures come out next month, with anticipated sales to have grown by 55%.
ONI’s success has been driven by a number of key wins including the RNIB and Macquarie Bank.
Kevin Kivlochan, Director & Co-Founder of ONI, comments, “Over the last few years ONI has seen significant growth within several key vertical markets. This has been achieved by working closely with our customers and partners to deliver innovative IT solutions that reduce operating cost, increase revenues and increase employee and customer satisfaction.
We believe in re-investing and recent evidence of this can be seen with the launch of our new Tier 3+ data centre. This facility enables us to offer a range of highly secure cloud based services and deliver the transformational solutions our customers require.”
Phil Cotterill, Head of Sales commented, “At the heart of our success is our people and this year we have created a number of exciting new positions across our sales team. I’m looking to hear from forward thinking, committed and experienced people to join our existing team and help us further develop our business in our key markets.