The company says the site contains a wealth of knowledge designed specifically to help SMEs prosper, survive and run an efficient, successful business.
In the company’s opinion the SME market is core to any economy but will be one of the biggest sectors affected as the world heads towards a recession. For many businesses the pressure to survive and maintain stability will be extremely intense as the backlash of a bust period hits.
Francois Mazoudier, GoHello CEO, said, “All businesses are vulnerable in this economic climate so my advice to them would be to think aggressively and, adapt to the changing environment, leverage new technologies and work smart by thinking outside the box. By taking these points on board and supporting each other you can face the recession wave head on and unless you have the means to do so, don’t try to sit it out or you’ll go under.
The economy is tight right now but it doesn’t mean as an SME you will fail, it just means things will be tested for a while. We want SMEs to understand that it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. By putting the right practices in place, a business can grab market share by taking advantage of opportunities and be better and more cost efficient than competitors.
“Since launching into the UK market earlier this year, we have become an advocate to SMEs – providing what we hope is useful advice on how best to run an efficient and successful business, particularly when it comes to investment in technology. In line with this, we devised our survival site because we are dedicated to helping SMEs cope in times of economic turmoil. Our site will contain resources and advice specifically designed to help SMEs beat the downturn, remain resilient, continue to thrive and make important decisions during this current period of economic instability.
We believe that whatever a business encounters will only make it stronger and more experienced in the end. Times are tough but businesses don’t have to be disheartened. We believe it is all about adapting to your circumstances to survive.”
You can visit GoHello’s SME survival site at