ipcortex Director Rob Pickering comments, “It’s clear that open standards are a key factor in making unified communications truly accessible to organisations of all sizes. Facilitating interoperability between a variety of hardware, software and services, open solutions streamline implementation whilst promoting freedom of choice and real cost reductions – meaning that video calling and other collaboration tools can now be adopted without a huge investment of time and expense.”
ipcortex have recently introduced video calling as a standard feature on all VoIPCortex systems, where the PBX will automatically send video whenever a suitable end point and video capable media path is detected. There is no specific configuration required, which Pickering believes will be critically important for the uptake of the technology.
“It simply has to be natural to use as well as easy to implement”, states Pickering. “If a reseller can demonstrate that they can buy any open SIP video phone, plug it in and it just works then that’s incredibly powerful. Furthermore, we’re at a point where soft phones are in common use and video hard phones are available for under £300 RRP - meaning that it’s trivial for resellers to show a real return on investment and capitalise on the collaboration trend.”