2ergo’s sMartsite platform is a simple way for media owners to convert their content into mobile websites without incurring large development costs.
By taking content from RSS and XML feeds, mobile websites can be launched within just two weeks. sMartsite also integrates with the UK’s top five advertising networks, giving publishers the potential to generate income from an additional revenue stream.
The launch of sMartsite follows recent research by 2ergo which revealed that just 11 per cent of 700 UK print media titles it studied have a mobile website which can be accessed across all devices and operating systems.
With 11 million smartphone users in the UK, 2ergo claims that few publishers are fully exploiting the additional revenue opportunities available from mobile websites.
John Stevens, Group Managing Director at 2ergo, said, “Even in the media industry, which is pretty switched on to the mobile channel, the vast majority of publishers are not using mobile websites to deliver content and eye balls to advertisers. Some publishers use apps but even Apple only has around 19% of the global smartphone market so by just developing an application, media organisations are limiting their mobile reach.
“All smartphone users can access mobile websites, which are easily found via search engines and don’t need to be downloaded via an app store. Google has predicted that in the next 18 months, 15-30% of searches will take place on mobile devices. So the ability to serve content via the mobile web is an essential part of online publishing.
“Our sMartSite service has been specifically designed for publishers that don’t have the necessary in-house resource or budget to be able to deliver a mobile strategy themselves and want a quick simple cost-effective solution to start capturing the attention of all smartphone users, not just those who opt into services via apps.”
There are three different tiered sMartsite options available, each with varying levels of functionality. Packages include ad integrations, analytics, video and image galleries plus data capture components.