Pete Dixon, Technical Director at P2C Communications says “Most of our customers have outsourced all their IT, and no longer have dedicated network and IT managers. And yet their networks and applications are vital to their businesses. We needed a tool to help us to communicate with these non-technical customers about how their services were being used and how they were performing.”
P2C standardised on Highlight in early 2018 and now all new customers, on both broadband and leased lines, are automatically added to the system. Prior to using Highlight, P2C used various monitoring solutions that were either too costly to setup and implement or alternatively freeware options that were unreliable and insecure.
“Highlight is perfect for our customers,” continues Pete. “It’s visual and uncomplicated, painting a picture of the network so that non-technical users can understand immediately for themselves what is happening. It’s been easy to put customers on the system and it’s also cost effective, so fits within the budgets that our customers can afford, even small one-man-bands.”
“Highlight makes life so much easier,” adds Pete. “It makes our conversations with customers more supportive and constructive, rather than about us trying to sell to them. Customers can see clearly how their connections are performing, where there are faults and how much bandwidth is being utilised. This is great for Account Management, helping to identify upgrade opportunities due to bandwidth over usage and thus a perfect uplift sales tool.”