Chris Pateman, Chief Executive of the UK’s Federation of Communication Services, said he was “surprised and delighted” to learn last week that he is now numbered among Cloud 100 -- the global community of the 100 most influential ICT industry leaders -- as chosen by Cloud World Series, the organisers of the Cloud World Forum events.
“I take it as a hugely encouraging sign for the health and inclusiveness of this industry that my insights from a lifetime in and around channel and distribution chains are valued alongside the contributions of individuals with more obvious skills in IT development and infrastructure management,” Chris said.
“FCS is the voice of the UK business-to-business communications industry. Now the channel has a voice at the Cloud community’s top table, I’m going to do my best to ensure the future development of Cloud solutions takes the maximum possible account of the channel and the broader supply chain. The more closely we can bring clever solutions together with sales expertise, the more value we can deliver to everyone in the industry.”