The number of systems shipped however, decreased by 4%. The strongest performance once again came in the above 100 extension category which accounted for 46% of total extensions volume compared to 38% in the same period last year.
Growth was reflected across all size segments in the large enterprise market, with some noteworthy systems sales in the Q2 2006 segment for more than 1000 extensions. The annual percentage change in the below 100 category was less dramatic, as the number of extensions and systems shipped decreased by 1% and 5% respectively.
Nevertheless, say MZA, increases in the Micro PBX and 11-30 size segments display continued activity in this market.
BT maintains pole position in the Q2 2006 UK PBX/IP PBX supplier market with 24% of total extensions, equalling its market share registered in the same period last year.
A good quarter was enjoyed by the leading manufacturers. Nortel, in particular, further improved its 2006 quarterly lead. Avaya kept pace in second place, whilst a marked performance in the larger size segments moved Siemens into third position with an 11% share. Cisco Systems are just behind, also recording 11% of extensions, and Panasonic and Mitel Networks follow with 9% and 8% shares respectively.
The Q2 2006 below 100 extensions market proved to be successful for both BT and Nortel. In manufacturer terms, Nortel move ahead of Panasonic for the first time, whereas Avaya remain in third position. Samsung have also enjoyed the Q2 period and are just ahead of Lake Communications, claiming a 7% share each in the SMB segment.
Manufacturers at the top of the market for more than 100 extensions have little between them this quarter. However, Nortel secured a 22% share, while Cisco is marginally behind with 21%. Siemens progressed significantly and recorded 18% of extensions shipped in the Q2 2006 high-end sector with Avaya at its heels, achieving 17%. Mitel come next with an 11% share.
In terms of systems shipped by manufacturers in the total Q2 2006 UK PBX/IP PBX market, Nortel stepped into the lead followed by Panasonic and Lake Communications. Samsung’s performance advances them to fourth place.
The IP Extensions Market
The difference between TDM and IP extensions sales in the UK market continues to diminish. IP extensions accounted for 30% of total extensions compared to 23% in the same period last year. The number of IP extensions displayed a 49% annual increase and, as a supplier, BT represented 21% of IP volume this quarter. The top five manufacturers all showed positive year-on-year IP growth.
Cisco, however, holds onto its runaway IP lead and Mitel retains an established second place. Nortel, Siemens and Avaya follow respectively in a market where IP penetration is still much greater in the above 100 category.
IP extensions accounted for 13% of the sub 100 market, reaching the 50,000 extensions mark. Mitel remain in the top spot in terms of IP in the smaller size segments. Cisco is ranked second and Nortel are in tow after a strong quarter. Then come Avaya and Swyx, also demonstrating annual IP sales increases in the SMB sector.
In the market for more than 100 extensions, IP numbers soared past 150,000 representing 50% of extensions shipped in this category. IP sales were up across the leading manufacturers’ spectrum. Cisco is out in front with more than double the volume of its IP enterprise market contender, Mitel. Siemens are not far behind in Q2 2006, pursued by Nortel and Avaya.