
PHM launches BlackBerry-based sales aid

Alongside BlackBerry manufacturer, RIM, London-based business consultancy, PHM, has developed Activ8, an application that communicates with, supports and motivates sales teams.

Activ8 is designed to help these teams generate increased sales, despite the current economic downturn, through improved operational efficiency.

Users receive a BlackBerry smartphone which includes Activ8 software. The software allows employers to send each member of their sales team information such as instant product updates, comparative data between their firm’s and their competitors’ products and services, and details of sales incentives that are specific to the recipient’s job role.

In addition, Activ8 enables the sales team to record important customer information, including the sales made. In addition, the system collects information for management reporting, including the sales made and the customer profile.

Peter Hookham-Miller, managing director and founder of PHM Group, explained: “Activ8 provides a new and innovative way of doing more business. It is a unique sales aid which acts as a performance support tool and offers sales teams a significant competitive advantage. It can be used as a sales tool, motivation tool and training tool and, thanks to mobile communications technology, can be accessed and used almost anywhere in the world.

“This makes it not only applicable, but attractive, to multinational organisations, which can use it for all their sales staff around the world. This ensures not only a homogeneity of communications with their sales staff in various countries, but also enables sales information to be gathered from each salesperson in real time,” he added.

PHM is currently running an extensive pilot exercise using Activ8 and has already received interest in the application from a number of Europe-wide motor manufacturers.