Two new product offerings, Pipex SecureTeleworker and Pipex SecureOffice, provide security to remote workers and offices by extending the secure boundary of the network, rather than relying solely on Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnels over insecure public networks.
The rapid growth of mobile and remote working means that, while the corporate network is often protected, organisations are unable to control the security of Internet and network access for their remote users and branch offices. Many organisations use VPNs to enable mobile working. But these can still leave the organisation susceptible to attack, as security threats become more sophisticated and the traditional perimeter security safeguards do not currently extend to the remote office or teleworkers.
Pipex is addressing these weaknesses by providing a Secure Private Network (SPN) to where the remote user is located, which does not rely solely on encrypting the traffic – a capability that only service providers can offer. Pipex Boundary Networking provides SMB and enterprise business customers with a ‘private’ DSL-based connectivity solution that extends the corporate security perimeter to the edge of the network through a built-in Layered Security Architecture (LSA). This provides business continuity protection, which enables organisations to reduce risk and unlock the productivity benefits of remote or teleworking.
"VPNs aren’t always the best option for businesses to provide remote access capabilities for remote workers – in some cases they could be creating unintentional back doors for hackers," says Maria Cappella, managing director of Pipex Business Services. "Regulatory pressures, such as Sarbanes Oxley, are forcing businesses to take security more seriously moving forward. With teleworking now well established as a standard option for business, organisations need to look at how they can extend the security perimeter of the network to protect themselves against the increasing sophistication of network attacks.
"With Pipex SecureTeleworker and Pipex SecureOffice, we’re building on our experience providing secure network platforms for our corporate customers including the NHS’ N3 network, to offer businesses peace of mind that their network is more secure when remote workers access business infrastructure. As an extra layer to existing network security, we’re creating a unique business continuity enabler, to reduce risk and increase remote worker productivity. In essence, we are extending security policies and management to the furthest reaches of a business network, which will increasingly become workers on the move and working from home," adds Maria Cappella.