“Micro-P is about to open a new state of the art demonstration facility at our Altham offices where resellers will be able to show their customer the power of UC and the benefits they can derive from its adoption.
In addition to this we have just launched our Micro-P Professional Services so that our resellers have additional installation and service resources they can call upon if they do not have geographical coverage or the appropriate skill sets. At the same time the launch of Micro-P Financial service provides our channel partners with access to lease and finance packages and a zero per cent offering to help secure more new business.”
Adams sees a number of differentiators Micro-P can deliver but says resellers should ask their suppliers some key questions.
“Does your distributor of choice offer you a 24/7 logistics operation? Do they guarantee same day delivery of all your Telecommunication and U.C. requirements? Do they offer you a range of truly Converged Unified Comms Solutions? Do they deliver all your PBX, Mobile, Network, Storage, Server, PC and Security needs? Do they guarantee a 100% wholesale policy?
All these questions and more need asking and if resellers don’t get the responses they are looking for then talk to us because we have all the right answers. But then we are Micro-P!”