Leading independent premier leased line, web hosting and broadband internet provider CCS Leeds invited local dignitaries, local businesses and clients to an open day at its new data centre in Seacroft which houses hundreds of servers for companies across the UK.
The event gave guests the opportunity to have a look around the site and CCS also demonstrated how its data centre would continue to run even in the event of a major power cut.
Nick Ryder, technical sales manager at CCS said: “The reason businesses decide to collocate their servers to a data centre like ours is because we can guarantee their servers and their data will be safe whatever happens.
“The last thing a company needs is to have its internet down for hours on end, particularly if their business relies heavily on e-commerce so it was useful to demonstrate how robust our system – in the event of a power cut we have two large industrial batteries which immediately switch on. This is backed up with a diesel generator which has fuel that would last at least two weeks.”
Leeds East MP George Mudie, who took time out from canvassing to attend the event, said: “Before I came here I have to admit I didn’t really know much about what a data centre does so I’ve learned something today.
“CCs are providing a great service to businesses across the country and it’s always good to hear about a new and expanding business coming to our area and bringing with it the potential for more jobs for people in Leeds.”
The centre forms part of a major £150,000 investment by CCS and can house up to 4,800 servers, cooled by an eco-friendly air conditioning system which will significantly reduce the company’s energy costs and carbon emissions.
It is ideally located on the Leeds Ring Road to provide the necessary space, power, carrier availability and visitor facilities and most importantly, give staff instant access to server equipment to ensure it runs uninterrupted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Nick Ryder added: “We moved to our current site in Seacroft was so we wouldn’t have to rely on and rent space from anyone else and so we could offer a more efficient, hands on service for less money.
“Now the data centre is finished we wanted to have an open day to give current and prospective clients the chance to come and have a look around, see where and how the servers are stored and understand a little more about the work we do. We had a brilliant turn out and would like to thank all those who came along.”