Engage will be provided as an optional enhancement for users of Connect for iPECS Cloud, Pragma’s UCaaS application that integrates with other cloud services.
The widget that sits on each page of the end user’s website. Site visitors can use it to initiate voice calls, video calls or a webchat session.
Engage uses AI to automate webchat responses using a ChatGPT integration. It reads all website content to collect relevant, accurate information, before using OpenAI to form natural responses. If the answer to a question is on the website, Engage will be able to answer it.
A nominated group of agents can assume control of the webchat session at any time. Users can customise the position of the widget on a page, as well as being able to display it in their brand colours and font.
Will Morey, managing director, Pragma, said, “Engage is incredibly exciting. It’s a simple, lightweight tool that offers so much and acts as another selling point for Connect for iPECS Cloud.
“[The widget] make[s] it easier for customers to contact them [and] also automates webchat responses without any compromise in service.”
Engage is available to Pragma partners now.