Suffice to say, we are extremely pleased because it means our exhibitors are set to have a really successful show.
Green shoots of recovery? We certainly hope so.
This year we have already confirmed 8 brand new exhibitors at the Summit North and that doesn't include those new companies represented on other exhibitor's stands. We also have a number of others who are just waiting to sign their contract.
New exhibitors ensure our previous year's visitors will want to attend again and better still, new exhibitors will attract new visitors.
If you book your stand now, once your contract is signed, we will give you access to all the pre-registered visitors so you can fill your diary with appointments throughout the Summit North.
Don't miss this opportunity to talk to the Northern Comms, IT and Mobile Channel on their home turf.
A stand at the Convergence Summit North costs as little as £1,450. Find out more on our website about the show on 11th and 12th March at Manchester Central. Please contact Mat or Craig on 01892 538348 or email mat@commsbusiness.co.uk or craig@commsbusiness.co.uk