The VAD has recently become a distributor for Fiberlink, distributing the MaaS360 mobile device management solution, a range of cloud-based products for managing and securing mobile devices (principally smartphones and tablets) in the UK.
“Despite multiple mobile device loss and security breaches, and the recent events at News International,” said Kilpatrick, “UK business has still not taken on board the security risks of unfettered use of mobile devices such as smartphones.”
“The problem for companies today,” he said, “is not just the insecurity of the individual smartphone, it is also the sheer numbers of them, the diversity of operating environments (Android, IOS, etc.) and the fact that employees use smartphones for both personal and business activity. It makes it difficult to monitor and track all the smartphones that are being used to store company data and access the company network, which causes major security issues.”
Kilpatrick stressed that smartphones are at risk from malware apps and viruses, and at risk when they connect into the company network. He said they also needed protection from hackers and criminals, especially if they are lost or stolen.