“Congratulations to Questmark Ltd for meeting all ATP programme requirements and criteria necessary to earn the designation of Cisco ATP - Cisco TelePresence Video Advanced Partner in the UK,” comments Joel Chimoindes, Director of Unified Communications for Azlan, Cisco’s leading Distribution Partner for video and telepresence.
Questmark Ltd has met the rigorous Cisco certified personnel levels required for an ATP - Cisco TelePresence Video Advanced Partner. This helps ensure that Questmark Ltd sales and support organisations are better prepared to properly sell, design, install, and support the ATP programme specific technology and products.
“This is an outstanding accomplishment for Questmark Ltd and demonstrates our continued commitment to develop expertise in this market, ensuring risk free investments in video and telepresence for all of our customers,” comments Lisa McMaster, Operations Director at Questmark. “As the use of videoconferencing and telepresence becomes more mainstream for businesses it is essential that the buyer is protected from the “tin shifters” that are the blight of our industry; this application is about people, not technology,” continues McMaster. “The Cisco Telepresence Video Advanced Partner status we have continues to mitigate all risks and ensure video becomes an integral part of our customers’ operations”.