ramsac will strategically manage and support the IT operations of all five European clubs, including providing support for internet, email, data, reservations and membership card technology. They will oversee the installation of a European wide network, which will allow Aspria to seamlessly integrate and communicate with each regional centre, enabling shared access to documents between European locations.
CEO of Aspria, Brian Morris comments, "ramsac used its impartial industry expertise to assess our IT needs and to provide us with an IT solution that will support our current and future IT requirements."
ramsac worked closely with senior management at each club to ascertain individual IT requirements and to offer guidance on how effective IT strategies can be employed to enhance current and future business operations.
Managing Director of ramsac, Robert May states, "The technical equipment already present and operational at the clubs is of high quality, but is not being used to its full potential, therefore it was suggested that fine-tuning of the established IT infrastructure would allow the system to reach its full potential. These amendments included the introduction of new systems and methodologies and the re-organisation of its internal IT resources".
Following a detailed IT audit, ramsac also identified the need for a dedicated European IT Manager who, working with ramsac's dedicated IT support helpdesk would be responsible for the on-going IT requirements of each club.
"We decided to task ramsac with the challenge of finding a suitable IT Manager for our European clubs", comments Morris. "It was important to us to use a consultancy that would find the best candidate for employment and as ramsac had recently carried out a complete IT audit of our IT infrastructure it made logical sense for ramsac to manage the entire recruitment process."
May adds, "selecting a candidate for the position required closely assisting Aspria's HR department with the recruitment process from briefing European agencies, writing the job and person specification criteria to CV sifting, interviewing and short listing, proving the candidates skills technically, and finally, recommending our choice of applicant."
May concludes, "ramsac has provided Aspria's head office in London with IT support and consultancy for over five years. The expansion into Aspria's European locations has enabled us to replicate the successful IT management strategies employed at Aspria's head office, across Europe."