Entanet says resellers are able to offer exceptional reliability and consistent service to business customers. The company is unique amongst UK communications service providers in having made a significant multi-million pound investment in taking BT’s Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) offering, installing its own equipment in all 20 of the 21CN key aggregation points around the UK and building resilient links up to 10Gbps between them. This means that Entanet has full control of its own network and is able to provide its B2B resale and wholesale partners and their customers with a predictable and dependable service that is not dependent on bandwidth quality and availability across the BT wholesale network.
Darren Farnden, Head of Marketing at Entanet said: “We have something quite unique to offer the UK voice and data channel. As well as providing very high levels of account management and personal service, we believe Entanet is the only comms provider with whom resellers can partner with complete confidence. Not only do we offer a great choice of high speed ADSL2+ and FTTC broadband, bonded connections, white-label options, Ethernet, MLPS, hosted VoIP and so on but, as we have total control over our network, Entanet partners can trust our service levels completely. We don’t make claims that we can’t match and we are – and always have been – totally committed to working through our channel partners.”
The company wants to recruit more resellers because it sees growing demand among businesses for higher speed broadband and Ethernet based services, said Farnden. “Most small businesses have not yet made the leap to 21CN, partly because no-one has reached out to them. There is a big opportunity for trusted, established IT and comms resellers to take the upgrade story to this customer base. In the process they will also create new value-added opportunities for themselves as well.”
As well as finding new partners, the campaign is designed to re-enliven resellers who have been focused on other areas of their business over the past two years, he added. “A lot of resellers and dealers have just been concentrating on survival. Enticing customers to upgrade their broadband won’t have been a priority. But the opportunities here are good and genuine – our campaign is designed to bring it to their attention once again and let them know that we are here to help them address the potential”
Farnden said that Entanet wants to sign up partners all over the UK. “We want to recruit a number of additional partners now because we can reach every corner of the country with our network and we see good opportunities everywhere. We want to make sure that we have good coverage throughout the whole of the UK, so we are very keen to hear from potential partners in even the remote regions of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England, as well as resellers in urban areas.”