The company also announced the general availability of software Release 11.0 for Centralized Policy and Routing (PSX), Insight Element Management System (EMS) and GSX Media Gateway (GSX). These releases collectively deliver numerous benefits to communications service providers (CSPs) and enterprises, including the ability to deploy new services in virtual and cloud environments, enhance call-handling capabilities, increase operational efficiencies and improve security.
“Our latest software releases demonstrate our continued commitment to cloud, security and innovation,” said Mykola Konrad, Vice President of Product Management for Ribbon Communications. “We are extremely excited about bringing disruptive technologies to the marketplace such as our SBC SWe’s use of GPUs for media transcoding in the cloud, which will allow our customers to experience superior real-time communications quality and reliability.”
Konrad added, “Our goal is to continuously lead the market in offering our service provider and enterprise customers increased deployment flexibility and enhanced security for session and policy management of their cloud-based real-time communications offerings.”
“GPU-based transcoding is a forward-thinking approach that offers service providers immediate CAPEX and OPEX benefits and Ribbon is staking out a leadership position in this area,” said Chris DePuy, Founder and Technology Analyst, 650 Group. “Offering service providers significant additional transcoding capacity, while lowering power, space and operational costs significantly differentiates Ribbon’s GPU-based approach from traditional CPU-based transcoding offerings in the marketplace.”