“Rocom was the first distribution player to talk about 21CN in June 2005,” said Williams, “and change is happening now. As at February, broadband connections were growing at 70000 a month: dial tone over broadband was scheduled originally for 2009, now it’s 2008.”
Williams sees massive opportunities for resellers as customers with traditional legacy systems gain in their understanding of the benefits of convergence. “There will be extensive customer demand for complete system reviews. This does not mean telephony as it was – now LANS, WANS and wireless mobile come into the mix. Customers will seek guidance so as to achieve the cost savings and efficiencies that will drive their businesses forward… preferably from a single source.
“We are in transition and it will prove fatal to be left behind. No one vendor delivers an ideal solution for all circumstances. At Rocom, we can offer independent advice and total support to guide you through the maze. Our Ultimate 100 Club will offer resources and support to strengthen and add to your own skill sets.
“Before you do anything, you must understand the shape of change – and that’s why I urge resellers to leave 28th April free.”