This is good news because one of the biggest problems encountered by organisations is trying to work efficiently with a myriad of legacy IT and existing processes. rostrvm DeskTop streamlines business applications and rationalises disparate and messy desktop environments.
Peter Brown, Sales Director at Rostrvm Solutions explains, “Organisations have tended to implement large-scale CRM and business management applications to meet strategic objectives, without properly thinking through the needs of those who will be using them. Rostrvm has seen this frequently in call centres where overly complex desktop applications, that are difficult to understand and navigate, can be a real drag on customer service and add significantly to call handling time.
“We’ve introduced rostrvm DeskTop because we also see this issue outside of the call centre where the real cost is inefficient and inconsistent process… not because the people are bad but because clumsy business applications and poor management information do not support them. Buying yet more hardware to try and fix this will just add to the problem. rostrvm DeskTop overlays what the business has already invested in and makes it more streamlined and usable, so staff can do their jobs well.”
rostrvm DeskTop guides staff through the work process to ensure they perform efficiently. It’s flexible and practical to work with and makes activity and performance visible at the individual, team and corporate level with rich, real-time and historical information displays. It has been designed for fast, cost-effective deployment, overlays any PC desktop environment and provides quick, tangible results.
One of Rostrvm’s customers used rostrvm DeskTop on a mixture of legacy applications and has reduced the time and hassle required to handle a data entry and processing task from 12 minutes to 45 seconds! This was achieved by rationalising the previous 14-screen marathon to a single screen rostrvm DeskTop sprint, providing improved accuracy and consistency.
For organisations, DeskTop adds real value as it saves both time and money and allows staff to truly say ‘no sooner said than done’.