“Europe was salesforce.com’s fastest growing region in our fiscal year 2013, delivering constant currency revenue growth of 38%,” said Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO, salesforce.com. “We are doubling down on Europe with the announcement of our new data centre in the U.K., which will support continued customer success in EMEA.”
“We welcome the decision by salesforce.com to locate its European data centre in the U.K. This significant development further endorses the U.K. as one of the world's greatest technology centres,” said Stephen Kelly, Chief Operating Officer for Government. “The U.K. is in a strong position to support fast-growing international companies such as salesforce.com in delivering innovative social, mobile and cloud services to customers here and globally.”
“NTT Europe is proud to extend its partnership with salesforce.com by supporting its enterprise cloud computing services in EMEA,” said Robin Balen, Managing Director of NTT Europe's Wholesale Data Centre Business. “Powered 100% by renewable energy sources, salesforce.com’s data centre in the U.K. will deliver an environmentally friendly and highly resilient facility for its customers in the region.”