Samsung also announced details of its partnership with software developer, Gameloft, to create gaming titles designed specifically for the seven inch device.
The partnerships are part of Samsung’s strategy to partner with leading brands in the UK to tailor content specifically for the Galaxy Tab and offer best user experience.
Galaxy Tab owners can read a fully optimised version of the FT on their tablet device, via an embedded FT application. Developed with the Galaxy Tab’s screen size and interactive functionality in mind, the application lets users download the daily FT for offline reading while commuting, access the FT’s content and video, including the latest updates on markets and interviews with high profile CEOs each morning.
It also offers access to a dedicated Markets Data section, including macromaps highlighting markets across the world, with the option to view regional indices and company information sheets. Galaxy Tab owners can also view their personal investment portfolios via the application.
Rob Grimshaw, managing director, said: “We are delighted to be launching the FT’s first Android and HTML5 based app with the Samsung Galaxy Tab. Our readers have already shown great appetite for consuming our news and analysis on tablet devices and Galaxy Tab is another very exciting channel for FT content.”
The exclusive content partnership with WHSmith gives Galaxy Tab owners access to a fantastic range of eBooks at great prices from one of the UK’s leading bookstores, directly through their portable device.
The WHSmith eBooks App offers Galaxy Tab users excellent value and choice, with special offers like the current 60% off selected top eBooks, as well as providing added value through exclusive promotions such as the Richard and Judy Book Club.
In partnership with Samsung, the WHSmith app has been developed specifically for the launch of the Galaxy Tab and has been designed to offer the user a smooth and simple selection and download process, as well as provide an immersive reading experience and a range of easily adjustable viewing options, all contained within the App.
“WHSmith are delighted to announce this partnership with Samsung, we’re confident that the combination of our bookselling expertise with their electronics innovation has resulted in an eBooks App which really adds value and meets all the reading needs of Galaxy Tab owners,” said Toby Keir, head of digital, WHSmith.
Samsung has partnered with developer, Gameloft, to develop a portfolio of titles specifically for the Galaxy Tab. Two blockbuster games are embedded at launch; N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD; and racing game Asphalt 5 HD.
Both are optimised for the Galaxy Tab’s 7-inch screen and take full advantage of the ‘accelerometer’ technology.