“You often have something that either does more or costs less – but you rarely bring off the double. We have. In the first case we have incorporated advanced security features that are quite unique. With voice switches increasingly connected to the Internet a hacker has no problem in identifying an IP address and so has the ability to attack it. A company can see its VoIP savings disappear in a weekend and denial of service can shut it down completely.
“Our OfficeServ7000 series incorporates integrated VPN tunnelling and encryption, pre-configures firewall and packet filtering and intrusion detection and protection. These features are deployable out of the box – so hackers stay out in the cold.”
The product delivers unbeatable value according to Zartash-Lloyd. But at what cost? “I’ve checked and re-checked the figures,” he says. “They stand up – and the fact is that, port-for-port, the OfficeServ7000 costs less than the Avaya IP Office. So this time price and value are marching to the same drumbeat.”
Samsung say they are laying out their stall determinedly for the launch commenting, . “That’s why, for the first time, we have formed a distributor relationship. “We have chosen Rocom because it offers the support our resellers have a right to expect,” adds Zartash-Lloyd. “Quite simply, it recognises the potential of a groundbreaking product that really will make a difference in the channel.”