The fax server will store faxes automatically and route them to individual desktop PC’s via e mail. Retell identifies huge savings for companies in time, money and expensive storage space as well as the security of automatic storage to a hard disc with a one million page capacity. Retells unique key card system means users can have as many or as few lines devoted to fax as required.
Retell also cites the huge cost savings in consumables, analogue line fax rentals and maintenance as reasons why universities, waste management companies, wholesalers and export companies are keen. Steve Cobley, Head of Business Development at Retell commented, ‘With the advent of e mail many thought that fax was dead, but a huge proportion of e mails remain unopened or lost. The fax server is the ideal solution for a paperless office’ The ISDN fax server does not require an analogue port on a PABX and includes unlimited licences for sending and receiving on a network. A double sized hard disc with a two million page capacity, rack mount unit and a CD-RW drive are all options. Retell also has a single line analogue fax server and a cost/return on investment calculator is available at their web site.