Credit limits can often prevent resellers securing larger deals but with ScanSource’s fast and flexible response to credit requests, this need not be the case. Tudor Richards of channel partner Connaught Communications explains:
“After working on a large project and finally getting the order, the next challenge was ‘how am I going to fund it?’ It was a dilemma that I hadn’t thought too hard about until the order landed. I had a strong relationship with my account manager at ScanSource and he reassured me that ScanSource would strive to facilitate the order for me even though it was valued at four times my current credit limit.
“I was amazed at the resources that ScanSource’s finance department utilised,” Richards continues. “They really did partner with me to make the deal happen. ScanSource managed to extend my credit both in value and in additional days to pay based upon the strength of my end user. It’s a different and positive approach to credit that is so refreshing to see from a distributor in this current climate. ScanSource’s flexible options definitely help secure bigger opportunities with larger clients who require extended terms.”
“ScanSource is here to help our resellers win more business in every way we can,” said Patrick Zaman, managing director of ScanSource Communications UK. “This new financial initiative shows that resellers need not miss out on larger orders just because of credit limits. Our ability to utilise our financial strength is clearly of great benefit to our resellers.”