“System Central has been used by our sister company, Catalyst Telecom, in the US for the last six years,” explains ScanSource Sales Manager Kim Jennings. “It’s tried and tested and the definitive quotation tool for Avaya Enterprise products. We aim to get the pricing to our channel partners within 48-hours.”
Resellers can use System Central 24/7 to enter the product configuration details, including the complete range of available options. System Central brings simplicity to what could previously have been a complex and time-consuming process.
“System Central really increases productivity and accuracy by streamlining processes,” continues Jennings. “At the same time it provides resellers a secure repository of quotations they have previously compiled, which they can update with their latest user requirements. Additionally, resellers will be kept informed at each stage of the design process by receiving notifications from System Central via email enabling them to view the quotation – it’s not untypical for all of this to be completed within 24 hours, which of course provides a real comfort level for the reseller.”