SecureTrading is focused on enabling retailers to provide a seamless customer experience so that consumers can buy whenever, wherever, and by whatever means they choose. The flexibility of the system means that it can be configured to meet each retailer’s individual needs. This enables retailers to adapt the system to reflect their own specific vision and sales strategy.
Critically, SecureTrading and the Delos Mobile Payment System (MPS) integrate with existing EPoS, removing capital outlay costs and the need for printed till receipts while enhancing the customer experience. It is compatible with other CRM and marketing systems, allowing retailers to push their own fully branded promotions, messages, and loyalty mechanisms straight to the customer’s mobile phone, all of which is supported by SecureTrading’s fully integrated payment gateway.
Mark Andrews, CEO of Delos Solutions Ltd, said: “As SecureTrading is not tied to a particular acquirer, we can offer our solution to our entire client base, which is a very attractive proposition. We were impressed with SecureTrading’s retail industry expertise, competitive rates, existing customers and faultless PCI compliance. Indeed, our partnership means end users are not compromised in the event of mobile theft as devices and card details cannot be cloned.”
Tim Allitt, Head of Sales and Marketing at SecureTrading, comments: “Mobile payments will become increasingly commonplace this year but customers are very aware of security threats, which is why we focus on the integrity of our transactions. We realised Delos offered a cost efficient and readily available solution for our customers together with a wealth of experience from the mobile and software industry. We look forward to working with them on future projects to meet our customers’ changing needs.”