
Shazam announces expanded ad opps on Android

Shazam, the mobile discovery company, has announced a major update for Shazamers on Android devices, available from Android Market and Amazon app store.

The update now includes the innovative in-app advertising campaign service, “Shazam Listening Screen Sponsorship.” This allows advertisers and marketing partners to own the iconic Shazam listening screen while a song is being identified by Shazam users. Additionally, the Android update includes the ability to present ad creative based on a device’s screen resolution to optimize the user experience.

Consumers will benefit from Shazam’s music preview feature which allows Shazamers to listen to a 30-second clip of a song they’ve tagged. This feature allows Shazamers to replay the clip at anytime, helping them decide if they like it and want to buy it. Music previews works when Shazamers browse through their tag history, their friends’ tags in Shazam Friends, or tags featured in Shazam’s Tag Chart and Recommendations.

The tag results page is also improved with larger cover art, a cleaner look, and the addition of the location feature, showing Shazamers where they were when they Shazam’d a track. When looking through their tag history, the location information shows up at the bottom of the tag result, reminding them where they were or what they were doing when they heard that tune.

Shazam on Android is available in 45 countries and will work for all phones running on the Android platform. The location feature will be available in all of those countries and music previews will be available in the US, UK, Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. There is no charge for the Free App while Encore with unlimited tagging and extra features is available for $4.99 / €3.99 / £2.99 from Android Market or Amazon app store.