The vendor, who won the Comms Business Magazine Comms Channel Award this year for most innovative new product with their PCS 50 for Mac OS X held the event at a time when their sales figures were registering significantly in analyst MZA’s IP PBX figures for the UK. SpliceCom also provided a glimpse of their version 3.0 for mazimiser.
Chairman Frank Bretherton presented the awards which included, Top Performing Reseller - TMG (Telephone Maintenance Group), Fast Growing Reseller - Southern Communications, Best Multi-Site Solution - M12 Solutions, Best Application Development - Converged Solutions, Best Technical Support – TMG and Top Salesperson - David Blake of iCS.
M12 Solutions are one of SpliceCom’s fastest growing resellers and secured their award for the 19 site “voice over IP” SpliceCom maximiser network for Howard Smith Paper, part of the Paperlinx UK Group. The overall solution for Howard Smith replaces BT Featurenet.
Andrew Skipsey, principle of M12 Solutions paid tribute to Allan Packer who negotiated the deal. “Allan worked hard over a period of months to secure the business, he undertook system demonstrations hosted meetings for the branch managers and has helped IT managers through the implementation.”
In addition John Gilborn of iCS was presented with a special "Breakthrough Partner" award for being the 1st company to exceed trade sales in excess of £100,000 with SpliceCom in a single quarter.
Everyone spent the afternoon loosing off 35,000(!!!!) rounds in a paint-ball challenge - after which everyone retired to the bar to swap war stories and compare bruises!