Based on robust and secure identity registration and digital identity production, the company’s new IAM managed service with flexible contract options gives forces a viable way to operate a common security platform for secure information database access and inter-force collaborations without undertaking capital investment.
The service is available under the four year National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) purchasing framework achieved by the company in 2009.
Siemens Enterprise Communications developed the service within NPIA guidelines to help justice and emergency services organisations simplify their development of common operational standards and secure information sharing while driving wider improvements and operational efficiencies.
Because it is delivered as a managed service, the new IAM platform gives subscriber organisations the ability to scale up their information access systems through operational budgets and maintain effective cost controls. User organisations also have the flexibility to deploy the platform for one to ten year contract periods, according to their organisation’s specific needs. In addition, the service is backed by state-of-the-art systems and technical back up from Siemens Enterprise Communications’ expert support teams.
Siemens is creating a full roadmap of additional features to enhance the managed service. Developments will focus on driving direct cost reduction and efficiency gains through the simplification of IT access & administration for the Police Service on the back of a nationally leveraged platform.
Andy Clark, head of public sector, Siemens Enterprise Communications, said: “This very rapid uptake shows how committed UK police forces are to establishing common, secure and streamlined information sharing processes. Our IAM Managed Service builds on the ‘build once, reissue many times’ principle - not only does it provides a robust and resilient solution to forces’ information access needs, it also supports their wider rationalisation of IT infrastructure and processes. We believe it has wider commercial potential with non-Home Office funded forces as well as other justice or first responder public safety organisations.”
NPIA Chief Information Officer, Richard Earland said: “The NPIA is committed to helping police forces improve the way they share information and intelligence. Easier access to information and better sharing of it directly impacts frontline policing by ensuring that officers get the information they need when they need it. Efficiency and effectiveness of police information systems means less time in the station for officers and more on the streets protecting the public.
"This is one of the first projects delivered under the Information Systems Improvement Strategy (ISIS) and we are very pleased with the wide and early take-up of Siemens Enterprise Communications’ new IAM Managed Service.”