Comms Business Live recently covered GDPR in the first ever live stream. Guests included Santiago Castro from Keyrus, Deborah Dodson from LogRhythm and Lucy Green of Larato. You can watch that stream here
Everyone is talking about MiFID II and GDPR, two sets of regulation which will shortly effect every reseller in the channel. Simetric carried out some research amongst its reseller partners and found that, while most had heard of the legislation, a large swathe didn’t fully understand the implications and more importantly the opportunities the new legislation would bring to them and their end clients.
Gavin Sweet, Simetric Managing Director said “The opportunities for resellers are huge with the enactment of MiFID II and GDPR. But what we saw was that resellers in the channel just didn’t know what to do with it when presenting the solutions to customers. So we spent a long time putting together this white paper which goes a long way to filling in some of the gaps and giving the channel a plain English guide to how they can add value to their customers with tools which will really make a difference.”
The guide is free to download from Simetric Telecom’s website and covers not only the legislative landscape but demonstrates how unified telecoms with call recording, logging, archive and retrieval will help businesses not only stay compliant with the legislation but enable businesses to have a more efficient cohesive telecoms system.