"Following our Competitive Review video, we are very proud to share with you our new (first ever!) brochure. This will provide you with a brief overview of what Simwood stand for but more importantly outline our new voice packages and mobile proposition."
You can find that video here http://blog.simwood.com/2015/07/competitive-review-important-changes/
Simon Woodhead, MD of Simwood commented "We’ve overhauled our commercials to ensure we’re appealing to target customers at all levels of growth, and have a commercial tier that competes with each relevant competitor, notably BT IPX. The really new thing is the cost pricing where we’re charging wholesale customers for capacity but giving them our cost in terms of per minute rates, putting them well ahead of where they’d be if they tried to build their own SS7 interconnects."
See the new Simwood brochure here http://mirror.simwood.com/pdf/simwood_brochure.pdf