SiraCom director, Rob Leggett said, “The Aastra SIP handsets always work! Highly featured with great looks, they offer a business class product at a very competitive price”.
Commenting on the reasons for the sales increase, Rob continues, “The SIP market is set to explode on all fronts. Manufacturers are pushing SIP as a platform on which they can build new converged solutions. Service providers with the capability to offer SIP are able to undercut their CPS rivals and offer advanced services such as hosted solutions. Resellers differentiate themselves by integrating unique solutions tailored to customer requirements. ¬ The availability of standards based telephony solutions is doing what the Ethernet standard did for networking. It has introduced competition that is driving down cost and bringing innovation. The end user is winning every way.”
As well as distributing Aastra’s SIP handsets, SiraCom offers SIP based IP PBX systems and the infrastructure and handset technologies required for Fixed ¬Mobile Convergence. SiraCom also prides itself on being able to offer disparate products as an integrated SIP based communication system.
Anne Warren, EMEA Sales Manager for Aastra said, SiraCom is our top UK SIP Terminal Distributor. They really know their stuff and are able to offer impartial advice on the best products and solutions for their customers. They provide an excellent informative website which provides resellers with everything they need to know. They deserve their success and Aastra looks forward to working with them for continued growth in 2007”.