Wireless Workspace, the latest component of the Siroconnect remote and mobile working service, enables businesses to offer access to the Internet or corporate Intranets to employees, contractors and guests - anyone who enters the building – without compromising the integrity of its own network.
Barrie Desmond, director of business development at Sirocom, explains; “Achieving ubiquitous wireless coverage is the holy grail of business continuity, and whilst public access is prevalent, private wireless networks in the enterprise are lagging.”
Desmond continues, “In an environment where collaboration between businesses continues to rise, providing wireless access to contractors and guests when visiting partner companies remains elusive – a fact irreconcilable of a society that expects to be connected wherever and whenever.”
Security and user liability is a core element of the Wireless Workspace service, and the technologies deployed ensure that companies will remain compliant with data confidentiality standards and safeguard legal responsibility when providing Internet access to members of the public. Desmond explains; “Internet abuse is a real problem for any company that, with all good intentions, opens up its network to third party users. Previously you’ve had to either rely on common sense and good will, or apply stringent security policies that severely restrict usage.”
Desmond adds, “Now, as public and private networks merge to support technologies such as converged mobile devices and achieve always-on unified connectivity, policing user activity and securing private companies against misuse is a priority.”