
Smartphone Addiction Affecting Health of Mobile Workers As They Contribute More to the Economy

Networks & Network Services
According to a new report from iPass, a London-based company, mobile employees work 240 more hours each year than their non-mobile counterparts, but are suffering from lack of sleep. A quarter of mobile workers sleep less than six hours a night and a third claim that lack of sleep is because of work, according to the report. But while mobile workers are putting in the extra hours to get the economy going it’s also fuelling our addiction for mobile devices.

The iPass Mobile Workforce Report revealed a heavy psychological dependence on smartphones as 40 percent said they would feel disoriented, 34 percent would feel distraught, and 10 percent would feel lonely without their device of choice for a week. Employees’ exercise plans are also being hit too with 60 percent citing work as the number one reason that they don’t get as much exercise as they should.

It’s not all bad news though, the “smoke break” is being replaced by Facebook and other social networking sites to catch up on the gossip, with a third of mobile workers listing it as the main technical distraction during the day.