Neil Armstrong, Marketing Director at Timico commented, “Smartphone adoption has arguably been one of the most significant developments ever seen in consumer technology. Today’s consumers, as well as the vast majority of businesses, are now upgrading to smartphone devices. Timico reports that 72% of new business mobile contracts this year are for smartphones - an increase of 15% compared to the same period in 2010. The proliferation of devices including BlackBerry, iPhone and Android – not to mention the more recent wave of tablet devices – means that users are increasingly devoted and dependent on their mobile connected device.”
As a result employees are unsurprisingly demanding to bring and use their own devices into the workplace, precisely because they have become an extension of themselves – from calendars and email to social networks and media. They don’t want to have to learn to use different devices depending on whether they are in work or play mode.”
Businesses could look to actually cut costs by enabling staff to use one, combined mobile connected device for both work and play. There’s an opportunity for employers to accept and embrace this development, rather than fight what looks increasingly like a losing battle. Security or management concerns have led to blanket bans on personal devices in the past, but there is now a wealth of effective management tools and support which means that businesses of all sizes can benefit from reduced new device spend and improved productivity, without exposing themselves to the perceived risks or problems.”