Soft-ex will provide BT with its Soft-ex Optimiser service, which is the next generation in voice management solutions. Soft-ex Optimiser will enable BT to retrieve business critical data from a single PABX, IP switch or a global network, and deliver this information straight to the user’s desktop to provide a complete picture of network activity for the company. It is a vital tool for companies, in cost control, budgeting, internal and external fraud detection, incoming call handling and customer service, call classification, traffic and network load management and quality of service.
Commenting on the deal with BT, Ian Sparling, Soft-ex CEO, said: “We are delighted to sign this hosted voice contract with BT which is testimony to our track record in the development and supply of advanced telecoms management systems and our ongoing mission to provide outstanding software and hosted services to our customers. Soft-ex and BT will work closely together to create and deliver innovative application performance solutions to enhance our joint customers’ voice network infrastructures and overall business. The combined offering will offer BT and Soft-ex the potential to open up new revenue streams and exploit new market sectors.”
He continued: ““With up to 20% of telecom charges to companies reported in error, visibility in telecom spend with online demand access is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. Increasingly, companies are becoming aware that implementing effective telecommunications management solutions can provide their businesses with cost savings of up to 45%.”