The new telephone system which comprises of six telephone extension lines and answering facility can now cope with multiple vital telephone donations, take numerous enquiries from volunteers and handle calls from other people interested in the project.
The Reachout Project is a mentoring charity based in Moss Side for local youngsters. The organisation has over 100 students on board to mentor and support disadvantaged youths.
The charity relies on donations from individuals and companies and their existing telephone ‘system’ was an average household handset.
The charity was missing telephone calls due to sheer volume and their one telephone could not cope. Xavier Bosch, Chief Executive of Reachout says: “The new phone system is excellent and we’ve seen immediate improvements. We’ve had more people call in to register as volunteers and a marked increase in donations to the charity which are vital to its ongoing success. Moss Side needs this charity and we are providing vital support to the young people and the wider community.”
Armstrong Communications, based in Salford, was only happy to help. They heard about the project through Director Chris Rawlinson who was a weekend volunteer with Reachout when he was a student at Manchester University.
Chris graduated ten years ago but remained in contact. Through his employment at Armstrong’s he has been able to facilitate the donation of the equipment and services to the charity.
Continues Xavier: “We are very grateful to Armstrong’s who ensured that there was no disruption to our existing telephone line during the upgrade and have been really supportive all the way.”
Chris Rawlinson of Xarios says: “It was a pleasure to help Reachout once more. After volunteering there when I was a student I realised how much they will benefit from the new phone system and how many more people they’ll be able to help. I’d urge any other businesses to help them and encourage anyone wishing to volunteer to come forward.”