The store, called My Play, will be available exclusively through O2 Active and is powered by Momac’s multimedia publishing platform GoMedia. It brings together the full suite of mobile music products in the shape of videos, full track audio and realtones onto one store.
Designed to help bring consumers closer to their favoured artists, the simple user interface will see consumers accessing the store simply by clicking on artist microsites as their gateway into the store. Purchases from the store will be chart eligible from launch.
Sally Cowdry, marketing director at O2 UK, stated: “This is the first joint venture retail partnership between a major label and an operator and is further testament to O2’s strategy to work with the best partners to create products and services that will enhance the customer experience. Joining forces with such a leader in the music space will bring our customers an in-depth music service with the most popular artists available straight to their mobile.”
Ged Doherty, Chairman of Sont BMG Music Entertainment UK, added: “It’s never been more important to think of ways in which best to bring the artist and consumer closer together. The exciting thing about this service is that its artist micro-sites do exactly that, and being mobile, it enables the connection to happen immediately. We’re delighted to be working with O2 on this new service, it is a company who have demonstrated a fantastic commitment to music over a sustained period of time.”
The store is now live, with videos priced fully inclusive at £1.50, tones at £3.50 and full music tracks at 99p. Artist micro-sites will rotate in line with Sony BMG’s release schedule. The store itself is powered by the Momac publishing platform GoMedia which will manage and deliver the raft of content and services. Momac already have a proven track record with both O2 and Sony BMG.