They also need a fast, accurate and flexible means to retrieve individual recordings to meet a growing range of business needs -including compliance, security and business intelligence.
Liquid Speech Analytics provides a powerful means of interrogating call recordings in a rapid, easy and meaningful way.
Unlike other solutions, Liquid Speech Analytics uses phonetic audio mining technology. This requires a fraction of the hardware normally needed to deliver greater depth of search. In addition the total cost of ownership and investment levels are substantially lower, providing greater and faster ROI. Integration efforts are substantially lower too - providing for simpler, faster deployment.
Instead of just a small sample, this approach can provide 100% call coverage with rapid scanning. It allows easy analysis and access to complex searches which provide much greater relevance and accuracy of results.
“Historically, most speech analytics solutions have been specific to particular call recording systems and so costly to implement that they were only practical to the largest organisations,” explained Chris Berry, director of Liquid Voice.
“Liquid Speech Analytics can be incorporated with any call recording system and operates in a way which makes it a practical consideration for both large and small operations. Again, our intention is to make our solutions as widely accessible as possible.”