Launched in January 2006, Openreach is BT’s new business responsible for the nationwide local BT network and was launched to ensure all service providers have transparent and equal access to the local BT network. Only last week Opal Telecom lodged a complaint with industry regulator Ofcom regarding this so called level playing field.
Openreach has set up a working group for consultation with communications providers on campaign proposals. The working group includes a cross section of communications providers including Spitfire, Cable & Wireless, One-Tel, Telewest, Thus, Wanadoo and BT Retail as well as the Federation of Communication Services.
“I’m honoured to be elected co-chair of Openreach Mass Market Communications Group. Opernreach is the result of the recent regulatory settlement between BT and Ofcom. In keeping with the aims of openness, transparency and fairness for Openreach, the working group has already made a significant contribution in helping to formulate the Openreach mass market communications launch strategy”, said Justin Orde.