The company says that in line with the wide-new range of opportunities available to channel partners through the introduction of its Spectrum Managed Solutions architecture, Vision Call Centre and maximiser XS with single (S8000) and multiple (S8000-M) virtual Call Server images, the UK company has introduced a new three tier SpliceCom Community accreditation scheme.
“We view our new SpliceCom Community Accreditation Scheme as being a key component that underpins all of our recent product launches and announcements,” said Graham Harris, SpliceCom’s UK Sales Manager. “Our original single layer scheme, which has stood us in good stead over the past seven years, would no longer be able to deliver the skill sets required to sell, install and maintain the current SpliceCom portfolio and the new solutions. Having significantly enhanced our product set and market position over the past year, the new three-tier scheme better reflects the SpliceCom Community’s place in the industry.”
Unveiled at the recent SpliceCom Forum, held at The Belfry, the SpliceCom Community Accreditation Scheme is based on the skills and competencies of a partner’s sales and support personnel, as opposed to revenue. The three levels are; Member, Advanced and Visionary.
All reflect a common SpliceCom maximiser and Vision skill set, whilst recognising those partners who wish to specialise in the sales, deployment and support of Vision Call Centre and maximiser XS. “Our approach allows the SpliceCom Community to expand the range of solutions they can offer, whilst simultaneously heightening customer confidence in the delivery of these solutions,” states Harris.
To augment the three-tier accreditation scheme, a forth level, Alliance, recognises those who assist the SpliceCom Community in the provision of an end-to-end maximiser solution through complimentary services, applications and/or products, but do not sell the maximiser itself. These partners are often the difference between a simple sale and the more sophisticated, higher value solution sale. The key attribute of an Alliance Partner is that whilst he does not sell the maximiser he must have an intimate knowledge of the system.
With this widening of our addressable reach – alongside the increase we are seeing in terms of the size of our Community - comes the need for multiple levels of accreditation. By basing this on Community Competencies, where any member of the SpliceCom Community can engage with another offering complementary skills, we have delivered a programme that is simple, clear and beneficial to all parties,” concluded Harris.