“Businesses today have to be able to see into the future as well as look at and learn from the past,” says SpliceCom’s Director of Marketing & Product Management, Robin Hayman. “Vision allows key business people to view the information that enables them to improve the way their company operates and the manner in which they serve their customers. Vision provides businesses with a dashboard through which they can ramp up the levels of their responsiveness, a critical requirement in today’s ultra competitive market place.”
Vision is a web-based application suite, developed from the ground up by SpliceCom to work solely with the British company’s maximiser Pure IP Business Telephone System. Based on the latest AJAX and Web 2.0 technologies, Vision’s design means that, in conjunction with maximiser, it operates as one entity, providing detailed and intimate information upon which sound business decisions can be based.
As maximiser runs as a single system, no matter how many sites it is distributed across or how many home based, remote or mobile employees are connected, Vision is able to collect information on every department and every individual – wherever they might be. Likewise real- time information can be delivered to department heads and managers totally independent of their location; via their PDA, PC web browser, SpliceCom’s PCS 60 IP Softphone/Phone Partner or PCS 410 IP Screen Phone. And as for the workforce, Vision works hard for them too, by offering far greater managed flexibility over the way they choose to handle their telephone calls when they’re not in the office.
The company says that by providing a Business Dashboard for companies of all sizes, Vision delivers a comprehensive range of real-time information and historical reports to those that need it, irrespective of where they might be. Technical Support or Sales Order Processing, Customer Service or Accounts, Help Desk or Sales, whatever area of the business needs to be focused on, Vision has the answers. This allows issues to be identified and rectified before they become business-impacting problems, whilst resources can be optimised at all times for maximum productivity. Vision also provides the real-time information needed to ensure that operations run smoothly. Are we service levels being met on the Help Desk? How many abandoned callers have yet to be called back? Do customers have to wait in a queue longer than necessary because there is insufficient resource to handle all the auto attendant or IVR calls? These are the type of questions that can be effortlessly answered by Vision.
“The business telephone system or Unified Communications platform is the lifeblood of many companies’ communications. It’s therefore ideally placed to collect valuable data, from which in-depth information, telling you exactly how well your company and workforce are performing, can be extracted,” states Hayman. “Because it’s been developed specifically to work as a single entity in conjunction with maximiser, SpliceCom Vision offers unrivalled integration enhancing and extending Call Management into true Business Management. Vision can drill down deeper into the telephony platform for valuable information than ever before, delivering a wealth of relevant, business critical reports and a depth of real time information to Company Directors and Departmental Managers, exactly when and where it’s needed,” explains Hayman.
SpliceCom Vision offers information and control over four critical areas for business; Historical Reports, Call Recording, Real-Time Information and Employee Mobility.